What a long strange trip it's been. We made it back to Cleveland last night and went to my sister's house where we have now got a night's sleep. The trip was very long and tiring, but we are so happy to be back home.
Yesterday we got up at 3:30 in the morning in Kiev and got our stuff together, then woke up the boys at just before 4:30. They didn't like waking up that early, but it didn't stop them from staying awake for far too long. In the 24 hours they were up, Riley got about 20 minutes of sleep in the car to Linda's and Jake got the same, plus about an hour on the 2nd flight of the day.
In Minneapolis, the boys became U.S. Citizens. While the U.S. doesn't recognize it, they are still Ukrainian citizens too and when they turn 18, they'll decide if they want to maintain the dual citizenship or just U.S. citizenship. When I told they they were now Americans, they were very happy.
The boys were not intimidated or scared at all until we finally met up with Linda, Bill and the kids - then they got quiet. This was new family and they didn't understand what the heck they were saying. Toward the end of the evening they started getting comfortable with them and this morning Riley is playing on the Playstation with Ryan and Jake is playing with a toy barn and a Noah's ark. Poor little Jake got a fever yesterday and was experiencing a lot of trips to the bathroom (I took that kid to the bathroom about 20 times). We gave him some advil and he seemed to be better, but this morning he's feverish again and throwing up. If you ask him though - he's "Hurashow" aka "Good".
Honestly, the boys were exceptionally good on the planes, in the restuarants, etc, but they weren't perfect and they squirmed around, dropped, spilled or lost just about 95% of what they touched. Pam was laughing her butt off at me for how much that stuff kept happening while I was watching them. It happened to her too, but not nearly as much. All in all, it could have been a lot worse.
Today we are going to visit my parents for a short trip and probably go to the Geauga County Fair later today. If Jake is still feeling rough, I'll probably stay home with him and we'll nap. He and I have got to be napping buddies. In a couple of days, we'll probably head back to Indiana.
Oh yeah - we lost luggage again. That makes 3 for 4 on this trip. We lost it going to Edinburgh, we lost it going to Kiev and we lost it coming home. The trip to France was by train and we didn't lose it, so that doesn't count. Only the flight from Edinburgh to London ended with us finding our bags at the airport. They should arrive later on today.
PS - in Kiev on Saturday we went to a Friday's restuarant where the wait staff spoke English and had some American food. I can not even begin to tell you what a boost that was for us. I love the Ukrainian food, but it was SO good to have some hot wings and nachos. The boys turned their noses up at just about everything except french fries and ice cream, but Pam and I had a great meal.
Another high point in the trip was on the flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis. The stewardess came by offering coffe and I asked, "Is this American coffee?" and it was. We drank coffee and espresso and cappucino in Scotland, England, France and Ukraine and enjoyed some of it, but for my money - plain American coffee is where it's at. The regular coffee in the other countries is more like espresso than coffee usually. It's good for a wake up, but not so great for flavor.
That's it for now. So much has happened since the last post, I'm sure I'm missing most of it. Those are what I can think of for now and we'll be updating later on. God bless, the USA.