It seems like we've had the boys for a long time now, but it is actually less than a year. We are coming up on Jake's sixth birthday this Sunday. Amazingly enough, Jake understands barely any Russian/Ukrainian at all. Riley still understands enough for me and him to have some simple conversations, but he forgets a lot of words and his grammar may be worse than mine. He can still roll his "R"s like crazy.
While the boys have become very fluent, they are still finding a lot of words they aren't familiar with. It is usually more complex and uncommon words that confuse them, but sometimes it's the simple ones that stump them. For example: They know the word "frosting" for what goes on cakes and cupcakes. I grew up with the word "icing" for that, but it's not what they first learned.
We are also continuing to have other firsts. This past weekend we watched some fireworks with the family up by Lake Wawasee. Before fireworks started, I pointed out lightning bugs to them. They jumped and ran down to catch them with no prompting whatsoever. I had talked to the boys about these strange bugs a long time ago and this was the first sighting of them. They are usually in bed before dark since daylight savings started. The fireworks were good. They had seen some minor fireworks in Ukraine, but nothing like this show.
On Monday night our neighbors got together and they lit some small ones off. On the 4th, they saw the big show down in Fort Wayne and that was probably one of the best shows I've seen. They really enjoyed all of them.
Also on the 4th, we got together with the Sugar Tree gang and the kids played on a slip and slide then had a bike decorating contest and parade. The decorating and parade were Pam's idea and the kids loved it.
I've also started loading some videos of the kids on Google Video. Here's one from the slip & slide action on July 4th.