Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Greetings to all of our friends and family! First of all, we apologize for the year or so delay in updating our blog and the lack of Christmas cards last year. We moved to a different house mid summer of 2007 and it really threw everything in to a tizzy! Between putting away boxes, taking care of 1 1/2 acres of land, and house remodeling, things just went by the wayside. Who knew that moving four people and a dog could be so much work?

Riley is now in fifth grade and twelve years old and Jake is in 2nd grade and is 8 years old. They still attend the same school as before we moved. Actually, we only moved about a 1 1/2 miles away from our old house.

The boys are active in cub scouts and Ray is a den leader for Jake's den. Pam is the "craft" leader for the den and works to come up with a craft project for the den meetings. Upward basketball started last week and the boys are looking forward to playing basketball again. They played soccer in the fall and could hardly wait for the next sport to start.

Ray is still with Verizon and Pam is doing a few small computer consulting jobs now and then. We keep pretty busy with the boys, school, sports, and scouts.

Please check out the link to the left that will take you to our website with many new pictures posted for 2007 and 2008.

Wishing you all a happy new year. Pam, Ray, Riley and Jake